Cheese & Jukes
Matthew has listed a few of the most famous cheeses in the world which work really well with Jukes 1, Jukes 2 and Jukes 6.
Jukes 1 loves feta, ricotta and mozzarella when diluted to 1/20 as this heightens the citrus & herb elements in the drink and lowers the overall intensity of some of the more exotic flavours found in our ingredients. The same technique goes for goats’ cheese like Ticklemore, Sinodun Hill, Golden Cross, Brightwell Ash, Crottin de Chavignol, Sainte-Maure de Touraine, Saint-Marcellin and Selles-sur-Cher, to name but a few. Soft white cheeses like Tunworth, Sharpham, Camembert, Brie de Meaux, Pavé d’Affinois, Chaource, Bonchester, Pencarreg, Explorateur, Boursault, Gratte-Paille and Brillat-Savarin also like Jukes 1 but this time with a little more intensity (I go for around a 1/12 rate of dilution). Smellier cheeses, including Epoisses, Chambertin and Langres and also Munster adore Jukes 1 at ‘full’ intensity – so pour yourself a Jukes 1 with still water at a 1/8 ratio and this will work wonders. The huge category of semi-soft cheese generally loves Jukes 1, but it also flirts with Jukes 2 and 6 as well (see below)! Try the following: Livarot, Maroilles and Pont-l’Evêque with a cool but not ice-cold Jukes 1, diluted 1/10. Gubbeen likes Jukes 1, too, but you can relax with your dilution and make a long drink and Morbier is also a big fan! Tomme de Savoie and Tomme de Montagne are rather easier to please, liking all three Jukes styles, but make sure that you do wander up to 1/12 dilution so as not to lose the subtlety of the cheese flavours. Most of the semi-hard to hard cheeses love Jukes 6 (below) but Jukes 1 has a particular penchant for top-end Cheddar, Cheshire, Wensleydale, Gruyère, Lincolnshire Poacher, Yarg, Kern, Gouda, Beaufort, Comté, Emmenthal and Jarlsberg. Don’t serve your water too cold and aim for around the 1/8 dilution mark and you will be close - then adjust to your own particular taste. The Jukes family is not really a blue fan, but Jukes 1 sneakily fancies Beenleigh Blue and other tiptoe light cheeses in this vein (haha)!
Jukes 2 loves soft white cheeses like Tunworth, Sharpham, Camembert, Brie de Meaux, Pavé d’Affinois, Chaource, Bonchester, Pencarreg, Explorateur, Boursault, Gratte-Paille and Brillat-Savarin, but be sure to serve chilled water and with a dilution of around 1/12. This gives Jukes 2 an added crunch of acidity and verve on the finish. Waterloo, Baron Bigod and Vacherin Mont d’Or love Jukes 2 with cool, not cold, water as this adds a little more depth of flavour and I would dilute 1/10 for these beauties. Fontina is a one-Jukes-cheese and Jukes 2 gets the nod. Reblochon loves Jukes 2 at a classic 1/8 ratio, while Bel Paese and Taleggio can stretch to a 1/10 and you could chill the water a touch, too! Jukes 2 also loves Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino, Manchego, Jarlsberg and the ever so tricky fellow Mimolette!
Jukes 6 loves washed rind cheese, with milder examples like Chaumes, Rollright, Wigmore, Ogleshield, Port Salut and Milleens being favourites with cold, still water and a dilution rate of 1/12. My favourite cheese, Saint-Nectaire, particularly the farmhouse version loves Jukes 6 with ‘room temperature still water’, diluted 1/10. Semi-hard to hard cheeses cover an awful lot of ground and Jukes 6 is ready and waiting. Cheddar, Appleby Cheshire, Wensleydale, Gruyère, Lincolnshire Poacher, Parmigiano-Reggiano, Pecorino, Cornish Yarg, Kern, Double Gloucester, Lancashire, Caerphilly, Gouda, Beaufort, Manchego, Cantal, Etorki, Comté, Emmenthal and Jarlsberg all love Jukes 6, but be open-minded about your dilution and make sure you water is not too chilled. Depending on the freshness / aged situation of your cheese, you can vary your dilution of Jukes 6 – younger = longer; older = more intense.